My Little Foot Soldier

My little rock star Tyler was a faithful foot soldier as we spent two hours driving up and down the Highway 78 rush hour parking lot to get mom's prescriptions filled. We both got hungry and shared a box of Capn Crunch. I will be totally busted when Nancy reads this!
Yesterday, Val, Chris, and I went up to USC Norris for Val's 21st chemo infusion. We were encouraged to see that Val had gained five pounds and her blood numbers were OK. she had her chemo infusion; double Avastin, and 5FU/Leucovorin. The 5FU is administered over 48 hours with a pump that she carries in her pocket.
It is very tough at times as Val looks ahead and wonders how long her life will be pre-occupied with this seemingly endless battle. Actually, the cancer itself is sometimes overshadowed by the side-effects of chemo, concerns of blood infections, stent management, and pain.
On the trip up yesterday, Val questioned whether God was even involved in her disease since she has not been cured. Beloved, the answer is in the picture of Tyler above. Look closely and you will see footprints of someone walking next to him. But he hasn't noticed them.
God's footprints are all over our long journey down the beach. He is with us every step of the way. We can trust Him as Peter did when Jesus asked if he too would leave Him. His answer is ours; "Lord, where else can we turn? Only you have the words of eternal life."
Our biggest challenge continues to be pain management. Dilaudid, Fentanyl Patches, Percoset, Aleve, Marinol. We are still struggling to find the best combination that deals with the pain without becoming drug induced zombies. If any of our readers have advice or suggestions, we would like to hear from you.