Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Julie and the grommets (Paul's code name for Kyle, Julie Ann, and Nate) drove down from San Luis Obispo last Thursday. I was talking to Nate over the weekend and asked him where Aunt Valerie was. I watched his wheels churn as he pondered the question. "In Heaven," said Nate. "What's she doing there," I asked. "Waiting for us," was his immediate response. Great wisdom can reside in little hearts.

Shortly after Val died, Julie told me that if she and Chad ever have another child, she is going to name her Valerie if it is a girl, or Val if it is a boy. Either way, we would have another Val in our life. What a blessing that would be. A little soul to stand in the gap until we see our beloved again. What a reunion that would be when we get to Heaven. Val would meet her namesake and we would enjoy two Vals for eternity.

I am reminded of the story of Job. In the beginning, he was the richest man in the east and had seven sons and three daughters. He lost all his wealth and all his children. In the end, God rewarded his righteousness and perseverence. He doubled Job's material possessions and blessed him with seven sons and three daughters. Why didn't God double his children as he did his wealth? He did. Although Job's ten children were killed in the beginning, he never lost them. Today, he enjoys the presence of twenty children in Heaven.

Gavin went back to San Luis Obispo with Julie. I heard that he is enjoying being there. That shouldn't be a surprise. He is missing his mom and Julie reminds him of her. Paul and I are leaving Temecula at 3 am Saturday to pick him up. Chad and Kyle flew out of SLO today to do some fly fishing in Oregon.

Monday, June 18, 2007


Nancy just sent me an e-mail entitled "Through a Child's Eyes". This is one of the letters written to God.

Recently, Nancy received a book about a woman who died and came back to life. In the process, she met two angels who told her about a life she lived in eternity past ( I am not sure where or when that is). There are many stories of people meeting angels in our world but the thing that I have noticed is that the stories don't seem to fit too well into the truth revealed to us in the Bible.

And that brings me to Gabriel. Come along with me if you want to hear a really exciting angel story.

Gabriel first steps into history when he is dispatched by God Most High to reveal to Daniel the future of mankind and the Earth. You can read about it in Daniel Chapters 8 and 9.

The next time we meet Gabriel, he appears to Zechariah, a priest in Israel. Gabriel speaks to Zechariah, "Your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to give him the name John. He will be a joy and delight to you....He will be great in the sight of the Lord....he will be filled with the Holy Spirit from birth....he will go before the Lord in the spirit and power of Elijah. Wow! How would you like to have an angel appear to you with that news?

Like Abraham and Sarah, Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth were senior citizens. Like Abraham and Sarah, they were childless.

Initially, Zechariah was gripped with fear at the appearance of the angel. After listening to Gabriel's message, Zechariah's fear turns to unbelief. "How can I be sure of this? I am an old man and my wife is well along in years."

I can sense Gabriel's frustration as he responds; "I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news. And now you will be silent and not able to speak until the day this happens, because you did not believe my words, which will come true at their proper time.

So Zechariah goes home, unable to speak. Elizabeth becomes pregnant. I am sure he told Elizabeth, in writing, about the appearance of Gabriel.

In the sixth month of Elizabeth's pregnancy, God sent Gabriel to Nazareth with a message for a virgin whose name was Mary. His first words; "Greetings you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you." Although Mary was greatly troubled at what kind of a greeting this might be, she was not gripped with fear as was Zechariah. Gabriel tells Mary that she will have a son and will name Him Jesus.

Mary is not filled with doubt,as was Zechariah. Just a legitimate question; "How can this be since I am a virgin?"

Gabriel speaks; "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you."

Mary's faith and obedience are revealed in her response; "I am the Lord's servant. may it be to me as you have said." What a contrast to Zechariah's fear and unbelief.

Now that's an angel story!

Wish you were an angel? Not me. Unlike us, angels have never experienced faith and hope. They love and obey God but the simple fact of the matter is, they have always stood in His presence. They have always walked by sight. We walk by faith and hope. That is why Paul said, "and now remain faith, hope, and love."

We celebrated Father's Day this weekend at Paul's house in Temecula. Nancy, Gavin, Tyler and I arrived before Chris and Ryan, who were coming from a baseball game. Tyler and I were hanging out in Paul's front yard when Chris' Expedition rolled up. With dark tinted windows, you really can't see the driver. Tyler saw the car, turned to me and said, "momma's here." My knees buckled.

Janet Sloan's mom, Barbara Shimer has been in ICU at Palomar for several days with a so far undiagnosed low sodium condition. Please pray for wisdom for the doctors and God's healing hand on Barbara.

And finally, for those of you who choose to subject yourselves to my "too long" Tribute to Val at her memorial service, the video links below will take you there. Since You-Tube has a 10 minute or 100 Meg limit per clip, it is mercifully divided into Part One and Part Two, it's sequel.

Part One

Part Two

Monday, June 11, 2007

Dark Days

These are Dark days for everyone whose lives were enriched by Val's presence. It is especially hard when we listen to the sound of silence in the McCrea house on Via Vera Cruz. The only word to describe it is "empty". It just doesn't seem right. Val should be here with us. Why wouldn't God zap all the monsters running around our world killing people and leave our beloved Val?

Habakkuk had the same question. He saw only injustice, violence, and evil in Israel. But God was silent and invisible. Why was there no answer when he cried out for help? How long Habakkuk waited for God's response we don't know. But Listen to God Most High as he answers Habakkuk and us;

Then the Lord replied:

"Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and not delay......The righteous shall live by faith."

It is impossible for me to see God's plan at work in the loss of my daughter. But this one thing I know; the future belongs to God.

And at the end, Habakkuk's prayer should be the cry of our heart;

"Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet will I rejoice in the Lord. I will be joyful in God my Saviour."

Gavin and Ryan had their end of the year graduations at Valley Bible Church last Friday. Chris' cousin Lisa, a dietician from Denver, was in to visit. Chris and the boys were dirt bike riding Saturday. Pray for Chris. He is trying to close some big business deals this week. Nancy and I went to the fair yesterday. I couldn't talk her into eating rattlesnake. Julie is coming down on the 21st. I think Gavin is going back with her to spend some time in San Luis Obispo. Tyler continues to be checked out on grandpa. Chris and the boys are planning a motor home trip to Colorado soon.

Here is a clip of some comments from Nancy and Julie at Val's Memorial Service:

Click here for video

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Mary Anne's Tribute to Val

Mary Anne Rose was a business colleage and good friend of Valerie. Although she got married and moved to Michigan, Mary Anne would come to California whenever she could during Val's illness.

Good friends are a blessing from God. Thanks Mary Anne.

Please click the link below and enjoy the video.

Click here for video

Monday, June 04, 2007

Char's Tribute To Val

This picture was taken in December of 2005. Char, Michael, Chris, and Val are leaving Carlsbad Airport for Santa Monica. Nancy and I met them the next day at Cedars Sinai for a meeting with Andy Klein, Nick Nissen, and Noam Drazin.

I heard unconfirmed rumors of an upscale hotel and a night of shopping on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills.

Char always felt a special bond with Val. From the outside, one could see that they were kindred spirits. Look at the picture. They even look alike.

Char brought so much to our battle. Her compassion and ability to make things happen. To knock down barriers and cut to the chase. Her Time. Her money.

Thanks Char. God Most High has not missed your involvement in our dear Valerie's life. I am sure she speaks highly of you to the Lord Jesus.

Click on the link below and enjoy!

Click here for video

Friday, June 01, 2007

Jeff's Tribute To Val

Sorry I have been so long in publishing some video clips of Val's memorial service. It took a while to come up the learning curve of movie publishing. Over the next few days, I will publish the tributes to Val from Char, Mary Anne, and myself.

Today I wanted to publish Jeff's tribute. He is a Lieutenant-Colonel in the Air Force and is leaving on June 5th to serve as a Squadron Commander in Korea for one year. He was also with Val when she left our world for her true home.

Click here for video