Last night, several of us went with Val to an evening service at her church in San Marcos. Although the music was a bit edgy (for me), it finally ended when a young man was introduced as a guest speaker.
This piece is primarily intended for the benefit of those who were with us last night. Hopefully other readers will also be edified.
Having been a christian for 32 years, I have found that the Holy Spirit will inaudibly but clearly speak to me if I am in a situation of spiritual darkness or error. That did not happen last night. On the contrary, He told me to stay and listen for the next three hours.
It was a simple message. The Kingdom of Heaven is here.
I must digress for a moment but promise to return to the events of last night.
In his letter to the Church at Galatia, Paul says,
"I have been crucified with Christ and no longer live but Christ lives in me". The Kingdom of Heaven is here in every living Christian.
The phrase "Kingdom of Heaven" appears 31 times in the New Testament and never in the Old Testament. Why? Because Jesus did not begin to live in us through the Holy Spirit until He returned to Heaven after the resurrection.
The Kingdom of Heaven is here.
What are our orders from the King? Heal the sick. Raise the dead. Care for the needy. Preach the Gospel. Thats it.
The Church of Jesus Christ has followed these orders from it's beginning until this moment, and will continue to do so until it is called Home. However, in the matter of miraculous healings and raising dead people back to life, the only record we have of men other than the Lord exhibiting this power is recorded in "The Acts of the Apostles".
As I promised, lets go back to last night's service.
The first hour or so, the speaker described several events where the Holy Spirit directed him to certain people in need of physical healing. Through the power of prayer, miraculous and instantaneous healings were described.
During the next couple of hours, people with various diseases were asked to stand and come up to the front. Besides the speaker, many people laid hands on them to be healed. When cancer patients were asked to come forward, we all went up and laid hands on Val that she might be healed.
And then an odd thing happened. I sat down and began to feel as if my body was lighter than it's normal weight. I had a sense of well-being as if a burden had been lifted from me. This continued for some time and I only mention it because Val described similar feelings as we were in the parking lot leaving.
And so beloved, I leave you with the mystery. What happened last night? I don't know. I am back to where I started. The Spirit told me to stay. The young man's message was true.
The Kingdom of Heaven is Here.