Kids give us JOY!
Today, I went to Ryan's (my 6 year old) school for lunch duty. It was good to see my son and play with all the kids on the play ground. I watched Ryan play football with the boys at school. I had alot of joy watching him play. There is something about the first born that is so special. I love him so much! He goes to Valley Christian School just down thew street from our house. What an incredible blessing that school is. The teachers, staff and all the parents all have such a heart for Christ. I am lucky Ryan gets to go there. They have really set up a hege of protection and prayer around Ryan and my family. It has been such a relief on the days I know I will not be able to be with him to know he is there. Also, my Mom's in Touch group has been such a fortress of prayer over the last month. They always have wide open arms and are such servants. I have not been able to go for a few weeks but I am going tomarrow morning and look forward to praying with these ladies for our children.
I see a holistic doctor tomarrow. Dr. Chen. He works with herbs and acupuncture. I know the holistic piece of this is so important so I look forward to getting a game plan together tomarrow. After that, one of the Mom's at school is taking family photos at the beach. I am sure we will get some good ones and will post a few.
Thank You for your prayers. Continued prayer requests are: Chemotherapy is working, pain to be minimal, continued strengh through next treatment.
One of the verses I read and read and read and read.....
2 Cor 4:16-18
"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far out weighs them all. So, we FIX OUR EYES not on what is seen but what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary but what is unseen is eternal."
All to God's glory,