Monday, November 28, 2005

Kids give us JOY!

I have made it through 2 Chemotherapy sessions with out to many hickups. Last week I felt like I had the flu a few days and a few other irritating side effects. I have been feeling better over the last few days. Some pain that comes and goes that I try my best to ignore. I do not know if it is from the laproscoptic procedure or from the cancer. I am forced to sleep on my back at night. Which for those of you like me that are side sleepers, it is a drag. I have to get a scan this week and get some blood drawn. Other than that I do not have to be poked or proded till next Tuesday for Chemo #3.
Today, I went to Ryan's (my 6 year old) school for lunch duty. It was good to see my son and play with all the kids on the play ground. I watched Ryan play football with the boys at school. I had alot of joy watching him play. There is something about the first born that is so special. I love him so much! He goes to Valley Christian School just down thew street from our house. What an incredible blessing that school is. The teachers, staff and all the parents all have such a heart for Christ. I am lucky Ryan gets to go there. They have really set up a hege of protection and prayer around Ryan and my family. It has been such a relief on the days I know I will not be able to be with him to know he is there. Also, my Mom's in Touch group has been such a fortress of prayer over the last month. They always have wide open arms and are such servants. I have not been able to go for a few weeks but I am going tomarrow morning and look forward to praying with these ladies for our children.
I see a holistic doctor tomarrow. Dr. Chen. He works with herbs and acupuncture. I know the holistic piece of this is so important so I look forward to getting a game plan together tomarrow. After that, one of the Mom's at school is taking family photos at the beach. I am sure we will get some good ones and will post a few.
Thank You for your prayers. Continued prayer requests are: Chemotherapy is working, pain to be minimal, continued strengh through next treatment.
One of the verses I read and read and read and read.....
2 Cor 4:16-18
"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far out weighs them all. So, we FIX OUR EYES not on what is seen but what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary but what is unseen is eternal."

All to God's glory,

What a Trade!

The hymn "Amazing Grace" was written by John Milton, formerly the captain of an English slave trading ship.

Of all men, John Milton had first hand experience of how a slave market operated. Human beings were bought with a price and became the property of a stranger.

Not so for the christian.

When the Spirit of God Most High first spoke to me, I came to his throne and asked for forgiveness. He told me that the price for what I asked was very high but that He had already paid it by the death of His Son, the Lord Jesus. He had just been waiting for me to ask.

"By the way," He said, "I want something from you also."

"What Lord, I asked?"

He replied, "I want your life, every hour. Every day. Every year. I want it all. Will you give it to me?"

"Here it is, Lord. It is yours, all of it. Every hour. Every day. Every year."

The Lord said, "I accept it, and in exchange, here is my life. It is yours. Forever."

The scriptures say:

"You have been bought with a price. Therefore glorify God in your body because it belongs to Him."

"If any man is in Christ, he is a new creation. Old things are passed away. Behold all things have become new."

"I have been crucified with Christ and no longer live, but Christ lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loves me and gave himself up for me."

And so, dearest Valerie, and to all the Saints of God Most High, do not be fearful of the future. Why should we? Your life. Every hour. Every day. Every year. Belongs to God. And His life is ours.

What a trade!


Saturday, November 26, 2005

Thanksgiving Day

We give thanks to God for all of you who continue to pray, give, and serve the McCrea family. We were truly blessed with a great dinner that many of you prepared and delivered. Thank you for helping make this day easier for us. It was amazing to see the food multiply and we were reminded of Jesus and His feeding of the 5000. We're still not sure how we had enough space in the refrigerator. We continue to fix our eyes upon Him who has created us and continues to uphold and sustain us daily.


Val has had an increasing pain level since her laproscopic examination eight days ago. Please pray that God's mighty hand reach down and touch her body.


Thursday, November 24, 2005

“Scouring the Landscape”

From Aunt Charlene

Today, Thanksgiving Day, let us all pause for a moment and truly be thankful for our loving families and friends, and the caring, support, and love that has been expressed over the last many weeks for our beloved Valerie. We do know the power of this ‘outpouring of support’, along with the ‘faith and trust’ that has been expressed in our Creator to guide Valerie through this arduous process will ‘arm’ her with continued hope and positive attitude which are so integral to the process.

On Tuesday, Val, Chris and Richard traveled once again to Los Angeles for Val’s second round of chemotherapy and an ultrasound to make sure that no problems had arisen from the laproscopic procedure the previous week. On the good news front – the ultrasound indicated no problems were apparent, so the healing process should result in decreased discomfort for Val; and the blood work that was done came back A-OK! The second round of chemo was a bit easier due to the insertion of a ‘port’ in Val’s arm – so no needles and no ‘burning’ as the drugs entered her body. In addition, Richard had an opportunity to meet and talk with Dr. Andy Klein, one of the liver doctors who is caring for Val. He was impressed and moved with the care and concern expressed by Dr. Klein, and his medical competency. We have a ‘great team’ working the problem!

We also are awaiting a reading on the biopsy that was performed last week by Dr. Nissen…..that should result in a ‘definitive diagnosis’ on the type of cancer this is, which in turn, determines the very ‘best’ treatment plan. We are encouraged by their conscientious approach to making sure they know exactly what this is – either confirming the cholangiocarcinoma diagnosis or determining that it is a different type of cancer.

A highlight of Tuesday’s trip to LA – amidst the long hours of ‘waiting’ for treatment, Val’s previous manager and her current manager traveled to LA because they knew she was having her second chemo treatment at Cedar’s to visit Val. They were able to locate Val, Chris and Richard, and had lunch together and presented Val with gifts. Yet another tribute to Val’s impact on those people she has interacted with…..

At this point in our ‘journey’, the battle has shifted to the ‘Chemotherapy Front’…..we all are ‘scouring the landscape’ to research and find ALL possible options to find the right ‘weapons’ to halt the spread of this cancer, and to shrink the existing tumors – THAT IS THE GOAL! After speaking to Dr. Klein, Dr. Nissen, and the Oncologist Dr. Drazen, I am confident that they are researching all of the latest abstracts on treatments for cholangiocarcinoma, and contacting colleagues throughout the medical community on any effective chemo regimens or any clinical trials relating to this cancer. In addition, Dr. Drazen also looks to resources outside of the US to find any possible treatment that could be considered in the future. In addition we are contacting several prominent Cancer Centers throughout the US – Sloan-Kettering, The Mayo Clinic, Stanford, Northwestern University Oncology Dept,, Lutheran Medical Center Oncology Dept. in Brooklyn – all of whom have been recommended as ‘cutting edge’ cancer treatment centers. Currently, the plan is to finish 3 – 4 rounds of the current chemo regimen, have an MRI or Scan done to determine the response to this treatment plan. Depending on the results of this scan, we will either continue current regimen, perhaps adding additional ‘chemo weapons’ or change to a different regimen, if the response is not favorable. In any case, we will be PREPARED!

Prayer List:

· Val’s quick recovery from the Laprascopic procedure last week

· Val’s continued faith and strength in fighting this battle

· The cancer is effectively being stopped by the current chemo

· The cancer is beginning to shrink from the current chemo

· Continued recovery for Chris’s back

· Strength and energy to all of Val’s family to ‘stay the course’

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Thanksgiving Week

Yesterday Val, Chris and Richard (Val's dad) went up to Cedars for Val's second chemotharapy treatment. Originally the only appointment time Val could get was 8:00 at night, but after prayer from many of you and persistance from the "team" Valerie was able to begin her infusion around 4:00. They left San Marcos at five in the morning to make a 7:00am ultrasound appointment, then had to hang around until her chemo appointment. The infusion takes about six hours so at least they were able to finish not too late and get back to San Marcos by midnight.

Besides the "hang over" feeling after chemotherapy, another side effect is neuropathy - numbness in her hands and mouth, especially painful with contact with anything cold. She has escaped the nausea/vomiting or headache that could accompany her treatment so far, which is a blessing.

Valerie has alot of "hunched over" pain in her abdomen where the surgeon actually cut off the end of her liver where a tumor was located. Doctors wanted to get a good tumor sample to study.

Not that any of this is keeping her down though... this morning she says, "where are we off to with all of the kids?"

Prayer requests for Valerie:

- Soreness from the biopsy would subside
- Side effects from the chemotherapy will be limited
- Val feel good for Thanksgiving and enjoy the day with family
- continued mercy, peace, comfort, and joy from God

As we get ready to celebrate Thanksgiving this year, our family can't help but think of all of you who have come along side Valerie in so many amazing ways. We are all so thankful for your out-pouring of love. We indeed have much to thank our Lord in heaven for this day.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Thursdays News

Thank you for all your thoughts, prayers and wonderful food. We have definitely felt them over the last few days. We had a hard few days in L.A. On my laproscopy procedure they found some spots on my diaphram which was unexpected. Therefore, I am on more of a Chemotherapy treatment instead of surgery at this point. Please pray that:

1. The Chemotherapy that has been prescribed will be effective at keeping the cancer at bay and will shrink the tumors
2. I am very sore from the surgery and having a port put in my arm for the medicine. Pray that I can recovery quickly
3. Pray that my Chemotherapy treatment goes well on Tuesday and my side effects are few.
4. Pray for my family and extended family for strengh as they are all tired as well.
5. I have been discouraged the last few days and need prayer for strength, encouragement, courage and a true peace that God is in control of all things!

O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you: my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is not water, I have seen you in the sanctuary and behold your power and your glory. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you---Ps 63;1-3


Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Valerie is traveling up to Los Angeles very early Thursday. Chris and her will leave at 3:15am. Val is scheduled to check in for a laproscopy/biopsy at 5:15 am at Cedars-Sinai Cancer Center. This is actually a surgical procedure and depending how it goes they may spend the night there tomorrow as well. Pray all goes well and that the results are very clear.

Please pray that God will give the McCreas very specific direction according to His plan for them every day. Each new day seems to bring new hurdles and concerns and decisions that are all too much for our human brains to comprehend.

Pray for strength, healing, direction, and peace , through Christ alone, for Valerie.

Posted by Julie

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


All of us who are parents have watched our children climbing on monkey bars. You get up close, hold out your arms and tell them to jump. And jump they do because you have proven yourself to be their trustworthy and strong protector.

It reminds me of an incident in the middle of the night on the sea of Galilee. A storm comes up and catches the disciples in a small boat. The figure of a man appears in the distance. Is it possible? Is he walking on the water? Is it a ghost? Matthew tells us that fear gripped them.

But Peter!..........Don't you love those words!

"Lord, if it is you, bid me to come."


You know the rest of the story.

The same Jesus who bid Peter to defy the laws of buoyancy bids us today to come.

Get up every morning ready to fight the good fight. Pray without ceasing. Phone calls, e-mails, commutes to LA, being sensitive to Chris and his recent back surgury, diet changes, dealing with three small boys, doctors, tests, chemotherapy, high priced hotels, questions and decisions. Am I at the right hospital? Would Sloan Kettering be better? How about UCSD? Are they really sure about the diagnosis?

The questions are endless. The answers are few. The frustrations can be overwhelming. Where can we turn for answers?

Dear Saints of God Most High. Age to age the truth never changes. I will lift up my eyes to hills. From whence cometh my help? My help comes the Lord of Glory who created Heaven and Earth.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face. And the things of Earth will grow strangely dim. In the light of His glory and grace.

Posted by Richard Sloan (Val's dad)

Monday, November 14, 2005

A Praise and a Prayer

Valerie found out from the Cancer Center at Cedars that she will be completely under anesthetic during her liver biopsy. She is very relieved since her first biopsy was very painful. Praise the Lord for this!

The prayer requests for today:

- Valerie can have the new biopsy this week. The oncologist ordered it for Monday the 21st and we would like that test done ASAP so there can be any alterations, if necessary, for her Tuesday 22nd chemotherapy treatment. Also, the hospital "Tumor Board" (including oncologists, radiologist, surgeons, pathologists, liver specialists...) meets on Tuesdays so perhaps they can review Val's biopsy before treatment.

- Pray that the chemo is obliterating the tumors

- Pray for the McCrea family as a whole. There are lots of changes in the McCrea household and that is hard on the family.
Peace, cohesiveness, patience, love, compassion, fun, rest...

We are all so thankful for you all who read this update and pray for and minister to the McCrea family.

Posted by Val's sis Julie

Friday, November 11, 2005

McCrea Boys....


Valerie has been feeling pretty good this week after receiving chemotherapy on Monday. She has been fatigued with body aches and pain in her liver. The oncologist said that pain in her liver could be the tumors shrinking. No vomiting or nausea or hair loss - which is great. 7-14 days after a chemo treatment Val's white blood cell count drops dramatically. She will have to be very careful not to be exposed to any germs or illness.

The repeat liver biopsy ( the one she dreads) has been moved to next week. We will post the appointment day when Val gets it from the doctor. We will definitely ask all to pray on that day for her comfort and peace for that test as well as the doctors being able to get a definitive answer about the cancer origins.

Waiting is hard. Waiting to see if the chemo works. Waiting to have the biopsy done. Waiting and not knowing what will happen. Waiting to see the results of the new biopsy.....

Can't help but be reminded of Isaiah 40:31

But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not be faint.

Pray for God's strength for Valerie as she waits on Him.

Posted by Julie Theule (Val's sister)

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

A Note From Val

I will start by saying I love this web site. It started out as a vehilcle to get the news out of my condition, updates and prayer requests but what we have all evolved into doing here is praising and worshiping God through songs, his word and our prayers. I love that! I am learning (even more lately) all we have is God! His word is SO powerful and cuts to the core of any worries we have in life. (I have had many lately). I will say God has given me extra grace, blessings, answered prayers and strength every day. I feel as though there has been a protection surrounding me for the last 4 weeks. Thanks to all of you for your prayers. I feel them and know God is listening to all the Saints.

Matthew 18:19-20 "Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them."

One of the verses I think about a lot is:

Hebrews 11:1 & 6
Now faith is the substance for things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him.

I did have Chemotherapy on Monday and am feeling well. I return for my next Chemo on 11-22. I found out today, I have to re-do a liver biopsy this Friday 11-11. The doctors are questioning the results of the first biopsy done from Pomerado Hospital. This is a very painful procedure which I dread to repeat. Please pray for me this Friday that I can have peace.

Thank you again for all your love, prayers, meals, phone calls, blog comments, encouragement, help with my kids...


Knowing God Deeply

I was sitting in the waiting room at Pomerado Hospital waiting for Valerie to be checked once more by the doctor that did the liver biopsy. She had been in quite a bit of pain. Just feeling shaky, I picked up a Decision magazine, sat down and began reading an article entitled, "Going Deeper with God," an interview of Larry Crabb. As I read, these words jumped off the page, the interviewer asked Larry, "Your book "Shattered Dreams" talks about how we should respond when our lives seem to fall apart. How should we respond in those situations?" His answer: "I don't think anybody has an opportunity to know God as deeply as they long to without shattered dreams. When I hear that your dreams are shattered, something in me grieves, hurts and wants to weep with you. But the opportunity is colossal. When your life is shattered in some way, there is an incredible opportunity to know God more deeply."
October issue of Decision Magazine

We all want to know you more deeply. You are our Fortress and Strength. You are our hope, a very present help in time of trouble. Give us wisdom, go before us in all that we do. Give us direction as we seek the best treatment.

We ask this in the Precious Name of Jesus our Lord

"Let your roots grow down into Christ and draw up nourishment from Him. See that you go on growing in the Lord, and become strong and vigorous in the truth." Colossians 2:7

If you have prayed for Val and our family, I wish I could pull each of you into my arms and hold you, and express my graditude. Please keep praying. To those who have ministered to us with good food delivered to the McCrea's door, Thank you for nourishing us! If you have helped with child care, bless you, you will need a nap! If you have helped Chris because of his back surgery, please continue. We have been encouraged with your notes to Val, keep those coming as well. Thank you Again.

As Pastor Dennis reminds us:
"Keep your eyes focused on the face of the Master"

With Deep Appreciation,
Nancy Sloan (Val's Mom)

Life As we Know It

In his fantasy "The Great Divorce", C.S. Lewis allows us to eavesdrop on a conversation between George MacDonald, one of the solid people, and a ghost visiting the Great Land.

Speaking about our memories of life on Earth, George says, "That is what mortals misunderstand. We say of some present suffering, 'no future bliss can make up for it,' not knowing that Heaven, once attained will work backwards and turn that pain into glory. The good man's past begins to change. Remembered sorrows take on the quality of Heaven. And that is why, at the end of all things, when the sun begins to rise in the darkness, the Blessed will say, we have always lived in Heaven."

"Ah, the saved...what happens to them is best described as the opposite of a mirage. What seemed, when they entered it, to be the veil of misery turns out, when they look back, to have been a well: and where present experience saw only salt deserts memory truthfully records that the pools were full of water."

It should not be odd to us that the voices of wise men through the ages have echoed the truth that God Most High has revealed to us. Concerning all things that come into the lives of God's people, Paul's letter to the Saints in Rome says, " And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose".

Val, first and foremost you are a beloved child of God Most High. You were a gift from His hand to your mom and I. Although our love for you is great, His is greater. We can share your pain and struggles, but only up to a point. The Lord Jesus, on the other hand, can and does embrace it fully. He alone is able to do this because He knows from experience the sufferings of man.

Posted by Richard Sloan

Monday, November 07, 2005

Treatment Begins

There are specific reasons to be thankful today. We give praise to the one true God for his faithfulness to Valerie and the McCrea family.

Valerie began 8 weeks of chemotherapy today. Every 2 weeks for the next 8 weeks, Valerie will undergo a five hour session of chemotherapy at the Cedars-Sinai Cancer Center in Los Angeles. As the writing of this update, she is finishing her first session and will drive back home with Chris, Nancy, and her sister Julie. The oncologist is caring, encouraging, and committed to Valerie and to the process. We are encouraged and thankful for his "bedside" manner and and for his Godly perspective. We continue to pray for healing for Valerie.

As treatment begins, the specific prayer is for the chemotherapy to reduce the size of the tumors so a resecting surgery is possible.

We are grateful that the oncologist has agreed to include the use of Avastin in the treatment plan. This is a new drug referenced in an earlier post that is manufactured by the company that both Val's father and brother work for - Genentech. This is literally ground breaking medicine and treatment that we pray will have a one-two punch on the cancer.

Please continue to pray for Valerie and the McCrea family. Pray specifically for the treatment to be effective and pray that God would give special grace to Valerie as her body adjusts to the chemotherapy.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Battle Week

With Val's diagnosis resolved, this is the beginning of the fight. This week Val is starting chemotherapy. Pray that the medicines will shrink the tumors. Pray for Val as she continues fighting this disease.

Psalm 121

I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come?
My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber.
Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
The LORD is your keeper; the LORD is your shade on your right hand.
The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night.
The LORD will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life.
The LORD will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore.

We continue to covet your prayers for Valerie.
Thank You!

Tyler Too....

McCreas at the River

Friday, November 04, 2005

The Next ‘Leg’ of the Journey

Valerie Ann McCrea, you have been through the most difficult, surreal two weeks of your entire life. You have shown incredible resolve, endurance, perseverance, faith ‘beyond’ comprehension, bravery and fortitude in the face of the worst enemy. You DO have everything it will take to successfully travel the next ‘leg’ of your journey.

As I travel back to Denver to ‘jump’ back into my life for awhile, please know that my heart remains with you. I will stay with you, side by side, during this journey. And I will be with you at every critical point, doing anything and everything I can to ‘keep us on course’. I left your Mom, my Golden Bear necklace to put on your neck… has served me over some 14 years in some very difficult moments in my life….when I was afraid and wanted to ‘crumple’… reminded me of my inner strength, my resolve, my ability to persevere, and my faith.. Wear it and know I am with you.

The love, caring, and support expressed in so many beautiful words on this ‘blog’ site is a reflection on you, and how you have touched so many lives.

As I reflect on our focus over the last two weeks: 1) determining the correct and accurate diagnosis ,and completing all of the tests necessary in ‘record’ time to achieve this; 2) determining the ‘best’ treatment plan possible to eradicate this cancer completely; and 3) deciding on the ‘best’ team of doctors to accompany us on this journey. We achieved all of the above….Let that become the ‘beacon’ for the next ‘leg’ of the journey.

On the next ‘leg’ of this journey: you will embark on the ‘best’ chemotherapy possible to attack these tumors, you will complement that with nutritional therapy, stress-reduction therapy, appropriate exercise, positive attitude, and prayer. The goal is to achieve positive response to the chemo so that the incredibly ‘skilled’ pair of surgeons, Dr. Nissen and Dr. Klein, can ‘resect’ the tumors as soon as possible, with the assurance that any ‘lingering’ cancer cells can be successfully controlled. That is our goal over the next 6-8 weeks. And we CAN achieve it, just as we achieved the goal of the first two weeks. The journey may have difficult times, but it will also have good times…. And I know you will travel this ‘leg’ of the journey with grace, dignity, and even a bit of humor as you have done thus far.

I love you, Valerie Ann McCrea.

Aunt Charlene

Friday's Latest

Val had a colonoscopy today and got a report of "all clear." This is great news that we don't need to worry about that part of her body! Her cancer is confined to her liver and some lymph nodes behind the pancreas. Next week she will begin chemotherapy and has decided to work with Cedar Sinai Hospital. The physicians there are world class and are very attentive to Val and her care. Valerie will spend a few days there next week learning about her treatments and how to administer them at home. What a comfort that she can complete her chemotherapy at home and not have to drive to L.A.

Val's dad Richard and her brother Paul work for Genentech in Oceanside. This company manufactures a drug called Avastin that the oncologists are considering to add to her chemo regimen. Avastin is primarily used to treat colon cancer, but her doctors think it could help shrink her tumors. Richard is in contact with executives at Genentech to see if they could help in this arrangement. Insurance will not cover the use of Avastin since Val does not actually have colon cancer, but Richard has so far gotten good response from the Genentech executives. What an amazing connection and opportunity.

This Present Darkness

Years ago when our kids were young, Nancy and I would load everybody into our Brady Bunch Oldsmobile Station Wagon with simulated wooden sides, hook up the 14' Ski Boat and head up to Lake Almanor for two weeks.

One year we took a hike through The Subway Caves, a network of lava tubes in Lassen Volcanic Park. Halfway through the cave our ranger guide told us to stop, hold hands, and stand still. He turned off his flashlight. The total blackness that envelopes you is indescribable. You begin to lose your sense of up and down. Your only link to the world of light are the hands you are holding onto.

This darkness began to surround me again on Friday October 21st at 6 PM when I heard the results of Val's Pathology report.

Just minutes before, I was happily giving Tyler a bath upstairs. Sensing that Val was on the phone with the doctor downstairs, I prayed for the sound of footsteps racing up the stairs to shout that everything was OK. But that was not to be.

Thinking about what we know today compared to that Black Friday, I sense that light is beginning to permeate the darkness in a very strange but persistent way. As I was telling Nancy late Wednesday night after her return from LA, I can sense a persistent glow on the horizon.

God's word has something to say about His light overcoming the darkness.

Samuel saw it.

"You are my lamp, O LORD; You turn my darkness into light"

"When His lamp shone upon my head, I walked through the darkness"

"He is like the light of morning on a cloudless sunrise, like the brightness after a rain"

David saw it.

"You, O LORD, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light."

"The LORD is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?"

"Even in darkness light dawns for the upright"

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path."

"Even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you."

Isaiah saw it.

"The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned."

"Your sun will never set again, and your moon will wane no more; the LORD will be your everlasting light, and your days of sorrow will end."

Daniel saw it.

"He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him."

Matthew saw it.

"The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned."

"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden."

"In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."

John saw it.

"The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it."

"This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all."

Jesus is the light.

"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

And now it is our turn, Dear Saints of God Most High. As His servants of old have testified, We shall behold Him.

Posted by Richard Sloan

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Comment from Val's Friend

Val, it was so nice to see you at school today, I am amazed at your strength and your great attitude. You looked to me as a warrior, ready to win the battle. You are choosing to believe God rather than statistics and numbers! That kind of faith will move mountains (and tumors) I was reminded of this song by Casting Crowns. Some of the words go like this:

But the voice of truth tells me a different story
And the voice of truth says "Do not be afraid!"
And the voice of truth says "This is for My glory"
Out of all the voices calling out to me
I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth

Oh what I would do to have
The kind of strength it takes to stand before a giant
With just a Sling and a stone
Surrounded by the sound of a thousand warriors
Shaking in their armor
Whishing they'd have had the strength to stand

But the stone was just the right size
To put the giant on the ground
And the waves don't seem so high
From on top of them looking down
I will soar with the wings of eagles
When I stop and listen to the sound of Jesus
Singing over me

I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth

Val, God is with you just as he was with David, and I know that He will find just the right size stone to beat your Goliath through the great doctors you have. You will have victory in Jesus! I am so glad to know you! God is using you in a mighty way, my friend, he is touching so many people through you! See ya later!

Love, Osil

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

As of Today....

After meeting with top physicians at both Cedar Sinai hospital and the UCLA liver Center a course of action has been established. Val must begin aggressive chemotherapy treatment next week. Although she must still decide what facility (Cedar or UCLA) to proceed with her treatment, it is clear that this cancer must be contained. The doctors say that Val's tumors must shrink at least by 25% so that a resection surgery will be possible. We have very specific prayer requests for Val at this time.

- doctors can prescribe the MOST effective tumor shrinking "cocktail" for Val's chemotherapy treatment
- Val's tumors will shrink by at least 25% so she is able to get surgery
- Val will have an excellent oncologist in San Diego to partner with
- physical strength and limited side effects from the chemotherapy
- peace and strength from God's providential care to face each day
- God will heal Val's body completely

Thank you so much for praying for Valerie!

Halloween With Grandpa, Paul, and the Boys

The Fast Track

This often overused phrase is usually applied in the business world to describe a project that is pushed too fast. The normal result is cost over runs, scope creep, and not enough attention to detail.

Not so in the affliction of Valerie McCrea. Delivered the results of a pathology report on
Friday, October 21st at 6 pm.

Val, Tyler, and I went to Ryan's soccer game the next morning. A damp and rainy day. I could not help but watch Val as she sat on the sidelines. Trying to focus on the game, I am sure her mind and spirit was in another place.

After receiving the news of Val's affliction, my sister Charlene, at her home in Colorado, stayed on the internet until 4 am getting educated on the nature of the disease.

Char landed in San Diego on Monday the 24th and has been here ever since. Since then, she has been pushing the wheels of the medical community faster than they want to turn. Possibly faster than they have ever turned before.

The result? Today, after a long three days in LA at UCLA Medical Center and Cedars Sinai, I am confident that Val, Char, Chris, and Nancy will roll into San Marcos with a solid battle plan to fight this fearsome enemy.

The progress made from that dark Friday to this morning is the result of your prayers for God's intervention and the human spirit that has propelled this journey so fast and so far.

I always knew my sister Char had a big heart and consummate skills in the business world. But her leadership in carrying us so fast and so far has, to borrow another overused phrase from the business world, "exceeded expectations."

Jesus is our best example of the fast track. In Mark's Gospel (10:17), a rich young man saw Jesus on the road, ran up to Him, fell on his knees, and asked,"Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus looked at him and loved him.
Jesus reply to his question: "Go sell everything you have and give it to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." At this the man's face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth.

Having great wealth was not the issue. But Jesus looked into this man's heart and saw that it was a wall separating him from the Life of God. The only fast track solution was to knock it down.

To all the Saints of God most High who have been praying for Valerie, thank you.

Continue to Pray that God will give us and the Medical Professionals the right protocol and surgical procedures to defeat this cancer.
Posted by Richard Sloan

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Access Granted, Please Enter

The McCrea Family lives in Stone Canyon, a gated community in the hills above San Marcos. For anyone who lives in Stone Canyon, these familiar words, "Access Granted, Please Enter", are heard whenever you approach the massive gate that swings open after you enter the correct password.

Last night, I drove up and was granted access. It struck me that the Kingdom of Heaven is just like that massive wooden gate.

King David was inspired by God to write about it in Psalm 103:19. "The LORD has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all."

In The Gospel of Matthew, Jesus said that some will be denied access. "For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the Kingdom of Heaven" (5:20). "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven" (7:21).

As Val's father, my confession is simple. I will forever lift my eyes to Calvary and praise the name of the God of Heaven for He has given me a gatecode that will never expire. The righteousness of his beloved Son, Jesus.

Although, I am not today in his Literal Kingdom, I am a child of God Most High, a resident of this far country we call Earth. I am here only for a season to bring praise and honor to His name.

Today I am traveling through what appears to me a dark valley. But, as King David wrote in Psalm 23, The Lord Jesus is right here with me. And He is listening to the prayers of all the Saints on behalf of my beloved Daughter Valerie.

Thank you, dear ones for all your prayers!

posted by Richard Sloan